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Friday, May 31, 2013


          Welcome to Override Your Mind, I have some ideas that most of you will like for this work in progress blog.  First, this is a blog written and read by you.  I will accept almost all people as contributors, meaning you can write and post what you like and as long as you do not spam, or post anything illegal we should be good.  There will be few things that we consider taboo here but as they come in, our soon to be formed council we will make a rules list that we expect our contributors to fallow.

          What I am hoping to achieve here is blog where you can share you knowledge with our community, and learn a few things in return. All post will be based on the knowledge of the writer and his/her sources, some post will be nothing more than the writers opinion, while others will be a stories that you tell for advice. You can write about whatever you would like, talk about the new gaming systems that are coming out, about a movie or TV show, new technologies, celebrities, cars, books, politics, work, or hell even your day. Anything that may interest other readers or something you need answers too.

          I am accepting help from anyone willing to give it, I want this to work and I would love for all of you to come long for the ride.

If you're interested in becoming a contributor or if you have ideas for me I would love to hear them. Please message me on Google+. 

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