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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Always Late

I am one of those people who no matter what I am always late, I can leave hours before I have to be somewhere yet I find myself still running in to work or meeting late only 5 to 10 minutes but it's still late.  Hell sometimes I setting outside the building I am suppose to go in to 30 min early and I will pick up a book in my car or my IPAD and start reading and before I know it I am running to building swearing to me self. Other times I will be across the street and I stop at a store let say Walgreens for simplicity sake, and I still will somehow go over time.  I will leave my house with plenty of time to get to work and somehow I will stop to get coffee or food for my employees and I end up being late.  I just don't think it's appropriate seeing that I am the office manager, but I just somehow never manage to be on time. So either its I am 30 minutes early or I am 10 minutes late.  I just cannot fix the problem.

I have tried many things to fix this little dilemma of mine but nothing ever works, I have left later to just give myself just enough time to get somewhere, I have given myself more time, I have tried just showing up early but then realize I hate waiting around.  So I guess what I am asking is there something that works for you guys or is it just me have self-control issue.  I think it's genetic or at least that's my excuse I know being on time is not that important but hell.

Any advice? Or should I just say the hell with it?  

Image from: XKCD

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