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Monday, May 21, 2018

Lost and looking 2

Rant time, I think. I don't know what I am putting down I am just kinda typing whats in my head at the moment so please bare with me till this takes some sort of direction. What to do what to do I am in a spot I guess one of those rocks and a hard place scenarios where no mater what you do somethings going to go wrong. Welcome to life right, I know I know no one wants to read this crap every person with a computer tells the world how they feel, or is asking for help, or looking for attention, maybe that's what this is but I don't think so. Cold, Emotionless, Heartless, Incapable of love, I know these things are not true or at least I fells them not to be. How can some one be called all these thing by multiple individuates and they not be true right. I think a long time ago in a... wrong thought a long time ago all I could do was love and show my emotions, but then through actions of youthful stupidity I fucked up something truthfully grate and have never found any thing like it since.   

To be continued

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