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Friday, May 31, 2013

A Grate urban fantasy book series to read. One that might just change the way you look at the world

Mercy Thomson Series: The shape-shifting protagonist Mercy who has been living a calm life as VW mechanic till a disturbance across her fences sends her head first in to a world that she has long since left behind.  Filed with creatures from your nightmares and some form your happiest of dreams. A action packed story that draws you in like few have ever before, and a love story that is so much more than just the way it sounds. The descriptiveness of the author, not only lets you create a wonderfully detailed picture of the world and its inhabitants but even lets you bring voices to their faces and unlike any other author I have ever read you even believe that you can smell them, it is a exhilarating experiences that leaves you hungering for more. 

I fell in love with this series about a year ago and have read all seven books and I recommend it to ever you I talk to. please give it a read and fill me in on what you think.  

Quote of the day

The 1st quote of the day comes from a close friend of mine he told it to me one night as we where having a few drink at my favorite bar, I was not in the best place of my life at the time, but I think this had a lot to do with who I am today.

"Live life with no regrets"

I have said it so many times since then I have change it a bit and made it my own "Live life with nor regrets  for when you do nothing can hold you back"

What do you think, what is your quote that changed your life or you live by.


Obama administration releases final rules on employment-based wellness programs

News Release

May 29, 2013


Obama administration releases final rules on employment-based wellness programs

The U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and the Treasury continued to move forward to implement the health care law today, by issuing final rules on employment-based wellness programs. The final rules support workplace health promotion and prevention as a means to reduce the burden of chronic illness, improve health, and limit growth of health care costs, while ensuring that individuals are protected from unfair underwriting practices that could otherwise reduce benefits based on health status.
The final rules continue to support “participatory wellness programs,” which generally are available without regard to an individual’s health status.  These include programs that reimburse for the cost of membership in a fitness center; that provide a reward to employees for attending a monthly, no-cost health education seminar; or that reward employees who complete a health risk assessment, without requiring them to take further action.
The rules also outline standards for nondiscriminatory “health-contingent wellness programs,” which generally reward individuals who meet a specific standard related to their health.  Examples of health-contingent wellness programs include programs that provide a reward to those who do not use, or decrease their use of, tobacco, or programs that reward those who achieve a specified health-related goal such as a specified cholesterol level, weight, or body mass index, as well as those who fail to meet such goals but take certain other healthy actions.
Today’s final rules ensure flexibility for employers by increasing the maximum reward that may be offered under appropriately designed wellness programs, including outcome-based programs.  The final rules also protect consumers by requiring that health-contingent wellness programs be reasonably designed, be uniformly available to all similarly situated individuals, and accommodate recommendations made at any time by an individual’s physician based on medical appropriateness.
The final rules will be effective for plan years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2014.
The rule was issued May 29.  To view the final rule visit http://www.ofr.gov/inspection.aspx
Source page:medelectpm.com
I work in the medical field and I don't see how this is going to work are they going to send us money to be healthy, If so i need to start running more.  What are your comments?


          Welcome to Override Your Mind, I have some ideas that most of you will like for this work in progress blog.  First, this is a blog written and read by you.  I will accept almost all people as contributors, meaning you can write and post what you like and as long as you do not spam, or post anything illegal we should be good.  There will be few things that we consider taboo here but as they come in, our soon to be formed council we will make a rules list that we expect our contributors to fallow.

          What I am hoping to achieve here is blog where you can share you knowledge with our community, and learn a few things in return. All post will be based on the knowledge of the writer and his/her sources, some post will be nothing more than the writers opinion, while others will be a stories that you tell for advice. You can write about whatever you would like, talk about the new gaming systems that are coming out, about a movie or TV show, new technologies, celebrities, cars, books, politics, work, or hell even your day. Anything that may interest other readers or something you need answers too.

          I am accepting help from anyone willing to give it, I want this to work and I would love for all of you to come long for the ride.

If you're interested in becoming a contributor or if you have ideas for me I would love to hear them. Please message me on Google+.