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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Quote of the day

To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else.
Burnadette Devlin, The Price of My Soul, 1969

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Quote of the day

"The cruelest thing a wise man can do is never share his wisdom, but it is sadder still that most will turn a def ear to him." --Dennis L.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Quote of the day

"When your lost don't fear it for it is only then, that you find things worth finding." --Dennis L.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

APPS for Webcomics

Webcomics OGM Web comics, ok maybe not exactly like that but I do like webcomics and comics in general for that matter. A few of my favorites webcomics are XKCD, Questionable Content, Filipside NSFW, and Off-white to name just a few. But this is not why I am writing this, I want to tell you about a few apps you can use to read and find new web comics you might not have seen before and a few I sure you have.

Comic Chameleon    ios only
By Chefs of the Future, Inc.

"Comic Chameleon is the ultimate way to read your favorite webcomics on the iPhone/iPod Touch! Only Comic Chameleon lets you tap to navigate every single webcomic strip or page from PANEL TO PANEL, with each tap gliding to the next panel cleanly cropped and zoomed for maximum readability. Only Comic Chameleon gives you FULL ARCHIVES, doesn't charge you issue by issue, and isn't some lame RSS reader that just scrapes the last 5 updates. And only Comic Chameleon does this all with the FULL SUPPORT OF ALL THE ARTISTS WE PUBLISH"     description from iTunes app store  

Tapastic    ios & android

Tapastic is a site that allows you to Publish, discover, and read the best visual stories and webcomics. " At Tapastic, we believe in the profound effects a story can have on us and the incredible value we as readers can take away from them if presented in the right manner - as great as books may be, not many of us have the time to sit down and read Stephen King nowadays. While we aren’t implying that it’s time to pull away from the classics, we do believe that there is a more entertaining way of consuming content: Visual Stories. That’s what Tapastic is built around and that’s what we are excited to share with all of you!" discriprioin from Tapastic

Always Late

I am one of those people who no matter what I am always late, I can leave hours before I have to be somewhere yet I find myself still running in to work or meeting late only 5 to 10 minutes but it's still late.  Hell sometimes I setting outside the building I am suppose to go in to 30 min early and I will pick up a book in my car or my IPAD and start reading and before I know it I am running to building swearing to me self. Other times I will be across the street and I stop at a store let say Walgreens for simplicity sake, and I still will somehow go over time.  I will leave my house with plenty of time to get to work and somehow I will stop to get coffee or food for my employees and I end up being late.  I just don't think it's appropriate seeing that I am the office manager, but I just somehow never manage to be on time. So either its I am 30 minutes early or I am 10 minutes late.  I just cannot fix the problem.

I have tried many things to fix this little dilemma of mine but nothing ever works, I have left later to just give myself just enough time to get somewhere, I have given myself more time, I have tried just showing up early but then realize I hate waiting around.  So I guess what I am asking is there something that works for you guys or is it just me have self-control issue.  I think it's genetic or at least that's my excuse I know being on time is not that important but hell.

Any advice? Or should I just say the hell with it?  

Image from: XKCD

Quote of the day

When everyone is against you, it means you are absolutely wrong -- or you are absolutely right.    Guinon, Albert

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Quote of the day

"If you don't know where you are goingany road will get you there." - Lewis Carroll

I don't know when I first realize every time I found my self wondering aimlessly around town with no clear place  I wanted to be, but by the end of the nights I would find my self in the company of good friends. That is what I think this quote represents.   

Some times you need to trow yourself in to the black to find your way back home.-DRL  

That Dam Virus…

It happens to all over us eventually your just surfing the net or opening an email and bing theirs the pop up, you just got a CTD or computer-transmitted diseases.  Will first you should have been using protection there are lots of good antivirus you can you to keep your pc clean and safe, but most of the time when it gets to this point you can do little to stop it with most antivirus programs.  I am going to walk you through removing some of the most stubborn viruses/ malware out there the way that normally works for me.  Follow the steps a they pertain to you.
1.       Dose the pc turn on and boot in to windows even if only for a few moments until the popup comes out, if yes skip to next step.  If you unlucky to get one of the bad ones that stops windows start-up don’t give up hope you may not need to reformat just yet.
       a.       1st try booting in to safe mode with networking if that works download two programs the 1st one    is RKILL, next you need malwarebytes by far in my opinion one of if not the best antivirus/spyware/malware programs.
       b.      Run are RKILL it will kill the processes of any active miscellaneous software, after it is done it will show you a notepad file with details of what was done. Next install MALWAREBYTES this is strait forward.
       c.       So now you have malwarebytes installed, if it did not do the update automatically you will need to run it yourself by opening the program and going to the update tab and hit the check for update button.
       d.      Once up to date got the scanner tab and run a quick scan this the quick scan will check the most common areas that malicious software hides, when scan is completed click show results check all files in they are not checked off then click remove selected.  It may ask you to restart; do it and don’t boot in to safe mode this time.  Go to #6 and continue
2.         So you have logged in your pc, download two programs the 1st one is RKILL, next you need malwarebytes by far in my opinion one of if not the best antivirus/spyware/malware programs.
3.       Run are RKILL it will kill the processes of any active miscellaneous software, after it is done it will show you a notepad file with details of what was done. Next install MALWAREBYTES this is strait forward.
4.       So now you have malwarebytes installed, if it did not do the update automatically you will need to run it yourself by opening the program and going to the update tab and hit the check for update button.
5.       Once up to date got the scanner tab and run a quick scan this the quick scan will check the most common areas that malicious software hides, when scan is completed click show results check all files in they are not checked off then click remove selected.  It may ask you to restart, do it.
6.       After restart don’t run RKILL this time because you want to cache the files that it killed off
7.       Run quick scan until no malicious files are found and you should be good.

This normally works for me if you need any help just message me, and good luck.