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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Story Unnamed part 3

After showering and dressing in the appointed clothing, black slacks with a quarter break on the legs, dress shoes, a burgundy colored silk dress shirt, and a black jacket.  Something I would never wear if it had been up to me, you see I am a Blue jean and tee-shirt kinda guy, don’t get me wrong I work in the business world  as clinical admin and dress in slacks and a polo shirt every day of the week. Somehow, I just never feel comfortable in clothing like this. I found myself standing in front of a rather extravagant full-length mirror, I was astonished to find the suit that I was wearing was almost perfectly tailored to me except a bit tight around the midsection, everything looked perfect on me with the exception for my damp tangled hair that went down to my mid back . I looked around the bathroom for a brush but to my disbelief I found nothing, I gave up put me hands on the sink rattled off to myself "All this expensive stuff and no brush or comb to be found how delightful". 
I looked at the mirror as it slowly began to more it swung open reveling a brush, razors, shaving cream, and a tooth brush. I glanced around the room, what I was looking for I haven't  heard a thing since I got here. I left the room my hair pulled back in to a ponytail tied up with a length of fabric I found beside the brush. The hall was beautiful stone with hard wood floors and small tables placed in intervals all the way down a few paintings hung in different areas as I walked down the hall doors on either side much like a hotel. I was heading in the only direction lit by light overhead that seemed to be hidden in the ceiling and shown there light right at the walls edge leaving a dim almost ominous look to the hall, I reached the end of the hall I turned to see a grand room to my left.   I walked the short distance to the threshold, the beautifully designed stare case went down on either side half circling the giant room that could have easily held over a hundred people. The room was furnished with tables chairs couches meant to sit different groups of people have polite conversation; I suddenly did not feel over dressed any more, but that just added to my confusion.  Who brakes in to a house take a person dress them in the finest clothing then dose not lock the door to the room or have people standing guard anywhere. Shaking off the uncertainty of my thoughts I realized voice are coming from a room at the bottom of the stairs, as I descended the stairs I found the most heavenly smell in the world rush to me "coffee''  someone must have heard me  say it because there was a shout "there will be food in just a few minutes". I step threw the swinging door and lovely woman hand me a cup and asked me to sit. The room smelled sweet with honey,  maple syrup, fruit and coffee, my stomach growled.  I looked across the room to see two women standing on either side of a large wooden table that might have set seven. The first looked about twenty-one or two, a little shorter than average height, a light complexion and athlete's body with natural dark red hair a little past the shoulders but her eyes they where amazing, as gray as storm clouds, something just drew me in to them and I felt if I had know this person forever and her me. She wore a long dark blue dress that with slit down the side up to upper thigh and calf high high-heeled boots, it was not only functional but also strikingly beautiful. Before I got a good look at the second women she began to speak, before we introduce ourselves let us tell you a story. 

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