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Friday, July 26, 2013

A Story Unnamed Part 1

Last night I laid awake as usual being a recovering insomniac means, there are still night I just cannot sleep for one reason or another. I waded out of my bed to the sound of a crash in the living room swearing my cats name as I opened the door of my room.  I walked rather clumsily down the hall tripping on hard object falling to the floor as Mina darted past me without her typical I did not do it look.  I found the object by my feet it was a black scabbard, leather made the chape and mouth branded in silver the hilt of the sword covered in a hand woven black cloth.
Reaching for the sword to get a closer look, I heard footsteps turning the corner of the hall looking back I saw a hooded man about 6" standing at the end of the hall his face was shadowed.  I had the sword in my hand and was kneeling on one knee, the sword still sheath, and outstretched in front of me my right hand holding the hilt with the black cloth still concealing it.  I could feel a burning pulse in my hand at first I thought it was going crazy but to my disturbing realization in could fell it coming from the sword.  Before I was able to draw a breath the man was on top of me pinning my hand on the hilt with his own, he moved so fast he was just there.  I pushed forward to draw the blade and to my surprise, I found myself flung with one hand in to the wall, with his hand on my throat.  Half conscious the man spoke to me with a voice to high pitch to be anything but a women's voice.  Sorry but I could not let you draw that blade not yet, then everything goes black.   

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