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Monday, July 29, 2013

A Story Unnamed Part 2

I awoke to true darkness the likes of which I have tried for years to achieve in my small two-bedroom apartment but to no avail, you would be surprised how many small light are floating in the blackness once the main light go out. I knew the moment I awoke, it was not a dream the thread count alone gave it away way, too rich for my blood or maybe I am too cheap to buy silk sheets.  As I lay motionless in this foreign place I tried to listened to the sounds of the building the people walking about and the city outside anything to tell me where I am.  A heart wrenching feeling hit my like the weight of semi truck,
there was nothing to hear not the hum of the AC or fan, the steps that should eco in halls something was wrong, it's too quite.  I must have waited for over an hour but no one had come to check on me nor did I hear a single sound, I pulled myself out of the bed throwing me feet over the side I felt  the cold stone floor beneath my feet and somehow I felt reassured that I was alive.  It was unusually cold for summer time in Texas where normally it was in the low hundreds during the day; I got up and wondered the room's edge and found a door, it opened to a pitch black room it was the smell that hit me first ''A BATHROOM". I scrambled the wall just inside the door and found what I was looking for, the light filled the small room and for a moment, everything went white.  It took but an instant after the shock of the light passed to look over the small bathroom, a floating marble sink small but elegant mirrors above it a stander toilet and a walk-in shower that was bigger but still fit the room to my surprise.  I looked back to the room I came from it was of a modern design bedroom you would find in a five star hotel in New York or Las Vegas, a little over the top for my taste.  On top of a dresser on the far wall was a set of clothing, as well as a note that was written in a style you might see on a wedding invitation, but it looked as if the person who wrote this was a custom to it.  It simply said please come down stairs we have much to discuses.

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