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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Quote of the day

Before the quote let me tell you something, someone asked me yesterday if i liked Hispanic women or white women better. I did not know the answer at moment and I still don't. My response to her is the quote of the day for today.

I don't know, but the love of my life was Hispanic and  part of me will always love her till the day that I die.

she responded  with how sweet I was and that most men don't say things like that, I smirked and went back to my work. She told me she was sorry that me and my ex where not together anymore, I laughed and told her:

I have meet many people in the 7 years since we broke up, but know one person has the affect on me she did just by being in the same room as me. And I don't suspect any one ever will again.

That evening I was laying in bed and I did something I don't do often I prayed. I asked for her to be happy because if any one deserves happiness it is her.

Cya around  J.


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