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Monday, December 30, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

Quote of the Day

Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,--'Wait and hope'.

Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870), The Count of Monte Cristo

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Quotes of the Days

“I was going to fight vampires, and my name wasn't Buffy--I was so screwed.”
Patricia Briggs, Frost Burned

Friday, September 27, 2013

At The Bar (the one truth)

Life is one of the few things that never looks at you and wonders why you did it because it was there every step of the way no mater how many times you fuck up its there, it will back you up forever no mater what everyone says... just remember some times no matter what you think life can be wrong... but every now and then the wrong choice is the only good one left run with it always don't regret what you could have done.  

quote of the day

I want to wake up every day and do whatever comes in my mind, and not feel pressure or obligations to do anything else in my life.
Michael Jordan 
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/every_day.html#ybkFhqQSticrkfbs.99

Friday, September 20, 2013

Quote of the Day

“If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Quote of the day

They left on another messages through time, pressed between pages or carved into rock. Like reaching out a hand through time, and trusting in a phantom hoped-for hand to catch yours. Humans did not last forever. They could only hope what they made would endure.
Magnus Bane

I love this bag/Backpack

I have to say when I saw this backpack online I fell in love with it. Cocoon MCP3401 SLIM Backpack is slim compact bag that has proven to be water resistant and very helpful. This is the only type of backpacks I will buy from now on, But for those of you who love you bag and just want it to be more organized look in to the grid-it system for some help.

The picture below is mine

Monday, September 9, 2013

Quote of the Day

“Nothing is permanent," Magnus said. "I know this from experience. But you can get new things. You can meet new people. You can go on.”

Cassandra Clare, The Rise of the Hotel Dumort

Friday, September 6, 2013

Quote of the day

“How they loved each other, these three, how they had suffered for each another, and yet how much joy they clearly took from simply being in the same room.”

Cassandra Clare, The Midnight Heir

Thursday, August 29, 2013


This is the song that never ends
yes it goes on and on my friends
some people started singing it not knowing what it was
they'll keep on singing it because

This is the song that never ends
yes it goes on and on my friends
some people started singing it not knowing what it was
they'll keep on singing it because

This is the song that never ends
yes it goes on and on my friends
some people started singing it not knowing what it was
they'll keep on singing it because

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Quote of the day

The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see.
Gilbert K. Chesterton 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Quote of the Day

Turn your phone off for a few days, you will be surprised to see who comes looking for you. if anyone at all. DRL

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Quote of the day

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
Dale Carnegie

A Story Unnamed part 3

After showering and dressing in the appointed clothing, black slacks with a quarter break on the legs, dress shoes, a burgundy colored silk dress shirt, and a black jacket.  Something I would never wear if it had been up to me, you see I am a Blue jean and tee-shirt kinda guy, don’t get me wrong I work in the business world  as clinical admin and dress in slacks and a polo shirt every day of the week. Somehow, I just never feel comfortable in clothing like this. I found myself standing in front of a rather extravagant full-length mirror, I was astonished to find the suit that I was wearing was almost perfectly tailored to me except a bit tight around the midsection, everything looked perfect on me with the exception for my damp tangled hair that went down to my mid back . I looked around the bathroom for a brush but to my disbelief I found nothing, I gave up put me hands on the sink rattled off to myself "All this expensive stuff and no brush or comb to be found how delightful". 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Faith in Humanity partially restored

Burglars return stolen computers to nonprofit — along with apology note

Candy Stallings

Thieves who stole computer equipment from a San Bernardino non-profit returned the items along with a letter of apology. The burglars apparently came in through the ceiling, which prompted police to call in the fire department to help in the investigation, pictured at right.

By Willian Avila, NBCLosAngeles.com

Burglars who stole computers from an office building in the suburbs of Los Angeles returned the items – along with a letter of apology – after apparently realizing they had ransacked a nonprofit that helps victims of sexual violence.

The thieves broke into the San Bernardino County Sexual Assault Services office on the night of July 31, police said. They apparently came in through the ceiling about 10 p.m. and hurriedly took several computer towers and monitors, along with a laptop.

Police arrived and summoned the nonprofit's executive director, Candy Stallings.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Quote of the day

There are two type of people those who dream big and do nothing about it and those who fight head long in to the horde till they stand atop those how can only dream.  Dennis 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Quote of the Day

When one of your dreams come true, you begin to look at the others more carefully.  ~ unknown 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Quote of the day

A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.

Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)

Monday, July 29, 2013

A Story Unnamed Part 2

I awoke to true darkness the likes of which I have tried for years to achieve in my small two-bedroom apartment but to no avail, you would be surprised how many small light are floating in the blackness once the main light go out. I knew the moment I awoke, it was not a dream the thread count alone gave it away way, too rich for my blood or maybe I am too cheap to buy silk sheets.  As I lay motionless in this foreign place I tried to listened to the sounds of the building the people walking about and the city outside anything to tell me where I am.  A heart wrenching feeling hit my like the weight of semi truck,

Friday, July 26, 2013

A Story Unnamed Part 1

Last night I laid awake as usual being a recovering insomniac means, there are still night I just cannot sleep for one reason or another. I waded out of my bed to the sound of a crash in the living room swearing my cats name as I opened the door of my room.  I walked rather clumsily down the hall tripping on hard object falling to the floor as Mina darted past me without her typical I did not do it look.  I found the object by my feet it was a black scabbard, leather made the chape and mouth branded in silver the hilt of the sword covered in a hand woven black cloth.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Quote of the day

Before the quote let me tell you something, someone asked me yesterday if i liked Hispanic women or white women better. I did not know the answer at moment and I still don't. My response to her is the quote of the day for today.

I don't know, but the love of my life was Hispanic and  part of me will always love her till the day that I die.

she responded  with how sweet I was and that most men don't say things like that, I smirked and went back to my work. She told me she was sorry that me and my ex where not together anymore, I laughed and told her:

I have meet many people in the 7 years since we broke up, but know one person has the affect on me she did just by being in the same room as me. And I don't suspect any one ever will again.

That evening I was laying in bed and I did something I don't do often I prayed. I asked for her to be happy because if any one deserves happiness it is her.

Cya around  J.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Quote of the day

“Three things you cannot recover in life: the WORD after it’s said, the MOMENT after it’s missed and the TIME after it’s gone. Be Careful!” – Unknown

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Quote of the day

“When the past calls, let it go to voicemail, believe me, it has nothing new to say.” - Unknown

I personally love this one its true on so many levels.

Last of Us

The Last of Us

What can I say but wow, no wow does not cover it.  This game is something the gaming community has been waiting a long time for it has been some time since we have gotten a game of this caliber.  Please don’t misunderstand me there are lots of games with great story-lines Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Halo, and Final Fantasy to name a few but The Last of Us drew me in not only with its story but with the emotion it carried from start to finish. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Quote of the day "No internet"

"The scary thing about technology is we no longer retain any of the information that we look up for if we need it a second time we do it again. I hope for our sake we never go offline. Or the would will be filled by scared idiots looking at small blank screens." Dennis L.

More pics...

Monday, July 1, 2013

New old site

I found this site a long time ago and forgot how fun it is give it a shot its still a blast its a puzzle and a fun one. if you get stuck use the hits. 


Quotes of the day

“Even after all this time, I keep forgetting that heroes can be found in unlikely places and persons  like mechanics who can turn into coyotes.”

Book quotes are fun one more

“I am completely out of good ideas and am doing my best with the bad ones I have left.” --- Mercy

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Quote of the day

To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else.
Burnadette Devlin, The Price of My Soul, 1969

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Quote of the day

"The cruelest thing a wise man can do is never share his wisdom, but it is sadder still that most will turn a def ear to him." --Dennis L.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Quote of the day

"When your lost don't fear it for it is only then, that you find things worth finding." --Dennis L.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

APPS for Webcomics

Webcomics OGM Web comics, ok maybe not exactly like that but I do like webcomics and comics in general for that matter. A few of my favorites webcomics are XKCD, Questionable Content, Filipside NSFW, and Off-white to name just a few. But this is not why I am writing this, I want to tell you about a few apps you can use to read and find new web comics you might not have seen before and a few I sure you have.

Comic Chameleon    ios only
By Chefs of the Future, Inc.

"Comic Chameleon is the ultimate way to read your favorite webcomics on the iPhone/iPod Touch! Only Comic Chameleon lets you tap to navigate every single webcomic strip or page from PANEL TO PANEL, with each tap gliding to the next panel cleanly cropped and zoomed for maximum readability. Only Comic Chameleon gives you FULL ARCHIVES, doesn't charge you issue by issue, and isn't some lame RSS reader that just scrapes the last 5 updates. And only Comic Chameleon does this all with the FULL SUPPORT OF ALL THE ARTISTS WE PUBLISH"     description from iTunes app store  

Tapastic    ios & android

Tapastic is a site that allows you to Publish, discover, and read the best visual stories and webcomics. " At Tapastic, we believe in the profound effects a story can have on us and the incredible value we as readers can take away from them if presented in the right manner - as great as books may be, not many of us have the time to sit down and read Stephen King nowadays. While we aren’t implying that it’s time to pull away from the classics, we do believe that there is a more entertaining way of consuming content: Visual Stories. That’s what Tapastic is built around and that’s what we are excited to share with all of you!" discriprioin from Tapastic

Always Late

I am one of those people who no matter what I am always late, I can leave hours before I have to be somewhere yet I find myself still running in to work or meeting late only 5 to 10 minutes but it's still late.  Hell sometimes I setting outside the building I am suppose to go in to 30 min early and I will pick up a book in my car or my IPAD and start reading and before I know it I am running to building swearing to me self. Other times I will be across the street and I stop at a store let say Walgreens for simplicity sake, and I still will somehow go over time.  I will leave my house with plenty of time to get to work and somehow I will stop to get coffee or food for my employees and I end up being late.  I just don't think it's appropriate seeing that I am the office manager, but I just somehow never manage to be on time. So either its I am 30 minutes early or I am 10 minutes late.  I just cannot fix the problem.

I have tried many things to fix this little dilemma of mine but nothing ever works, I have left later to just give myself just enough time to get somewhere, I have given myself more time, I have tried just showing up early but then realize I hate waiting around.  So I guess what I am asking is there something that works for you guys or is it just me have self-control issue.  I think it's genetic or at least that's my excuse I know being on time is not that important but hell.

Any advice? Or should I just say the hell with it?  

Image from: XKCD

Quote of the day

When everyone is against you, it means you are absolutely wrong -- or you are absolutely right.    Guinon, Albert

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Quote of the day

"If you don't know where you are goingany road will get you there." - Lewis Carroll

I don't know when I first realize every time I found my self wondering aimlessly around town with no clear place  I wanted to be, but by the end of the nights I would find my self in the company of good friends. That is what I think this quote represents.   

Some times you need to trow yourself in to the black to find your way back home.-DRL  

That Dam Virus…

It happens to all over us eventually your just surfing the net or opening an email and bing theirs the pop up, you just got a CTD or computer-transmitted diseases.  Will first you should have been using protection there are lots of good antivirus you can you to keep your pc clean and safe, but most of the time when it gets to this point you can do little to stop it with most antivirus programs.  I am going to walk you through removing some of the most stubborn viruses/ malware out there the way that normally works for me.  Follow the steps a they pertain to you.
1.       Dose the pc turn on and boot in to windows even if only for a few moments until the popup comes out, if yes skip to next step.  If you unlucky to get one of the bad ones that stops windows start-up don’t give up hope you may not need to reformat just yet.
       a.       1st try booting in to safe mode with networking if that works download two programs the 1st one    is RKILL, next you need malwarebytes by far in my opinion one of if not the best antivirus/spyware/malware programs.
       b.      Run are RKILL it will kill the processes of any active miscellaneous software, after it is done it will show you a notepad file with details of what was done. Next install MALWAREBYTES this is strait forward.
       c.       So now you have malwarebytes installed, if it did not do the update automatically you will need to run it yourself by opening the program and going to the update tab and hit the check for update button.
       d.      Once up to date got the scanner tab and run a quick scan this the quick scan will check the most common areas that malicious software hides, when scan is completed click show results check all files in they are not checked off then click remove selected.  It may ask you to restart; do it and don’t boot in to safe mode this time.  Go to #6 and continue
2.         So you have logged in your pc, download two programs the 1st one is RKILL, next you need malwarebytes by far in my opinion one of if not the best antivirus/spyware/malware programs.
3.       Run are RKILL it will kill the processes of any active miscellaneous software, after it is done it will show you a notepad file with details of what was done. Next install MALWAREBYTES this is strait forward.
4.       So now you have malwarebytes installed, if it did not do the update automatically you will need to run it yourself by opening the program and going to the update tab and hit the check for update button.
5.       Once up to date got the scanner tab and run a quick scan this the quick scan will check the most common areas that malicious software hides, when scan is completed click show results check all files in they are not checked off then click remove selected.  It may ask you to restart, do it.
6.       After restart don’t run RKILL this time because you want to cache the files that it killed off
7.       Run quick scan until no malicious files are found and you should be good.

This normally works for me if you need any help just message me, and good luck.

Friday, May 31, 2013

A Grate urban fantasy book series to read. One that might just change the way you look at the world

Mercy Thomson Series: The shape-shifting protagonist Mercy who has been living a calm life as VW mechanic till a disturbance across her fences sends her head first in to a world that she has long since left behind.  Filed with creatures from your nightmares and some form your happiest of dreams. A action packed story that draws you in like few have ever before, and a love story that is so much more than just the way it sounds. The descriptiveness of the author, not only lets you create a wonderfully detailed picture of the world and its inhabitants but even lets you bring voices to their faces and unlike any other author I have ever read you even believe that you can smell them, it is a exhilarating experiences that leaves you hungering for more. 

I fell in love with this series about a year ago and have read all seven books and I recommend it to ever you I talk to. please give it a read and fill me in on what you think.  

Quote of the day

The 1st quote of the day comes from a close friend of mine he told it to me one night as we where having a few drink at my favorite bar, I was not in the best place of my life at the time, but I think this had a lot to do with who I am today.

"Live life with no regrets"

I have said it so many times since then I have change it a bit and made it my own "Live life with nor regrets  for when you do nothing can hold you back"

What do you think, what is your quote that changed your life or you live by.


Obama administration releases final rules on employment-based wellness programs

News Release

May 29, 2013


Obama administration releases final rules on employment-based wellness programs

The U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and the Treasury continued to move forward to implement the health care law today, by issuing final rules on employment-based wellness programs. The final rules support workplace health promotion and prevention as a means to reduce the burden of chronic illness, improve health, and limit growth of health care costs, while ensuring that individuals are protected from unfair underwriting practices that could otherwise reduce benefits based on health status.
The final rules continue to support “participatory wellness programs,” which generally are available without regard to an individual’s health status.  These include programs that reimburse for the cost of membership in a fitness center; that provide a reward to employees for attending a monthly, no-cost health education seminar; or that reward employees who complete a health risk assessment, without requiring them to take further action.
The rules also outline standards for nondiscriminatory “health-contingent wellness programs,” which generally reward individuals who meet a specific standard related to their health.  Examples of health-contingent wellness programs include programs that provide a reward to those who do not use, or decrease their use of, tobacco, or programs that reward those who achieve a specified health-related goal such as a specified cholesterol level, weight, or body mass index, as well as those who fail to meet such goals but take certain other healthy actions.
Today’s final rules ensure flexibility for employers by increasing the maximum reward that may be offered under appropriately designed wellness programs, including outcome-based programs.  The final rules also protect consumers by requiring that health-contingent wellness programs be reasonably designed, be uniformly available to all similarly situated individuals, and accommodate recommendations made at any time by an individual’s physician based on medical appropriateness.
The final rules will be effective for plan years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2014.
The rule was issued May 29.  To view the final rule visit http://www.ofr.gov/inspection.aspx
Source page:medelectpm.com
I work in the medical field and I don't see how this is going to work are they going to send us money to be healthy, If so i need to start running more.  What are your comments?


          Welcome to Override Your Mind, I have some ideas that most of you will like for this work in progress blog.  First, this is a blog written and read by you.  I will accept almost all people as contributors, meaning you can write and post what you like and as long as you do not spam, or post anything illegal we should be good.  There will be few things that we consider taboo here but as they come in, our soon to be formed council we will make a rules list that we expect our contributors to fallow.

          What I am hoping to achieve here is blog where you can share you knowledge with our community, and learn a few things in return. All post will be based on the knowledge of the writer and his/her sources, some post will be nothing more than the writers opinion, while others will be a stories that you tell for advice. You can write about whatever you would like, talk about the new gaming systems that are coming out, about a movie or TV show, new technologies, celebrities, cars, books, politics, work, or hell even your day. Anything that may interest other readers or something you need answers too.

          I am accepting help from anyone willing to give it, I want this to work and I would love for all of you to come long for the ride.

If you're interested in becoming a contributor or if you have ideas for me I would love to hear them. Please message me on Google+.